According to Engadget,, an independent video game marketplace, has announced its upcoming Creator Day scheduled for November 29. On this particular Friday, every cent you spend will directly benefit the developers, as will waive its usual 10% commission.
This Creator Day is perfectly timed to coincide with’s Autumn Sale, which runs from November 27 to December 5. The platform’s vibrant developer community has contributed more than 7,400 projects to this event. These offerings range from digital and physical games to useful assets for those interested in crafting their own creations. kicked off Creator Day back in 2021 to lend a hand to developers hit hard during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative was a kind gesture aimed at easing some financial strains. Spencer Hayes, the director of business and content at, explained their motivation to Polygon at the time, saying, “Our community supports us every day, so it was time to give back. Many are going through tough times, and we wanted to help out in any way we could.” is already lauded for its developer-friendly revenue share, taking only 10% from sales—more favorable terms compared to platforms like Steam, PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, and Apple’s App Store. Yet, events like Creator Day, along with various charity drives hosted on the site, really highlight’s commitment to supporting developers and distinguish it from its more famous counterparts.