Hyoung Taek Nam, renowned character concept designer at Naughty Dog, found himself in a bit of hot water over some fan art he created featuring Eve, the main character from Stellar Blade. His portrayal of Eve was shared by the game’s X account (which many still remember as Twitter), sparking a stir among fans who weren’t shy about calling the artwork “ugly” and “revolting.” In light of this backlash, Shift Up, the creators of Stellar Blade, recently decided to share more of Nam’s artwork, standing by the artist.
In terms of fan art, the team at Stellar Blade is always open to these creative expressions. It’s interesting to note that the initial criticisms aimed at Nam’s work weren’t about the craftsmanship itself but rather the specific portrayal of Eve. Essentially, it seemed more like a group of naysayers who just disagreed with his take on the character. The artwork in question showcases Eve in a fierce battle with a Naytiba, a striking piece in its own right.
Nam’s affiliations with Naughty Dog, known for its realistic art style, seemed to pour fuel on the fire for some critics who associate realism with certain social agendas. Given this context, it isn’t too surprising that his version of Eve would court controversy.
Just a few days later, the Stellar Blade team countered by sharing another piece of Nam’s work—a gentler portrait of Eve. Alongside the art, the game developer included a thoughtful response welcoming Nam’s contributions while emphasizing the value of uniqueness in artistic expression.
In a follow-up, Shift Up expressed gratitude, saying, “Artist Nam Hyoung Taek has once again drawn Eve for us. We’re very grateful for this, but we always welcome fan art in the style of the previous one.” Their post highlighted the notion that fan art often carries distinct styles different from the original, celebrating this diversity as both crucial and enjoyable.
“It’s not uncommon for fan art to exhibit more of the artist’s style than the original, and we think that’s a very important and enjoyable point,” Shift Up reiterated.
Launched exclusively for the PS5 this past April, Stellar Blade has enjoyed several updates post-release, including enhancements for the PS5 Pro and a crossover DLC with Nier: Automata. These elements have helped keep the game fresh and engaging for its audience.