Headup, Beep Japan, and Sunny Peak’s Symphonia is a delightful 2D adventure game centered on the revival of music in a silent world. The absence of sound in Symphonia is quite alarming because music is a vital source of life and energy. When an automaton stumbles upon your mask, you come back to life with a mission: to reunite the musicians and restore harmony. You play as Philemon, a violinist with a calling to leap into action before everything falls apart!
As Philemon, your violin skills will come in handy as you navigate this beautifully crafted world, using music to interact with various mechanisms. Each room you explore is meticulously designed to offer its own unique atmosphere, drawing you deeper into the game’s universe.
You’ll be using the left analog stick or the D-Pad to guide your character, with the X or Circle buttons for jumping. The violin bow is integral to your journey; by manipulating the L2 and R2 buttons, you can propel yourself into the air. This mechanic adds a layer of excitement, especially in the more challenging platforming sections. Perhaps you’ll need an extra height boost by combining your jump with the violin bow or using the R2 button on a cushion to choose your launch direction.
Philemon, ever agile, can also perform wall jumps. While airborne, using the violin bow enables interactions with instruments, extending your jump and aiding your progress. With the Triangle button, you play tunes on your violin to unlock doors or move platforms to access unreachable areas. Engage the Square button to play the Wayfarer Tune for teleportation, revisiting earlier zones. As the game advances, unlockable memories will grant you new abilities.
Collecting Aura Shards becomes crucial as you explore. Unleash your violin’s magic at energy hotspots to gather these shards, essential for upgrading your aura. With more shards, you can supercharge your violin’s influence, accessing distant mechanisms and new game areas.
With the game’s focus on music, expect a captivating soundtrack composed by Olivier Esman, Alexandre Bucas-Français, and Lou Corroyer, performed by the Scoring Orchestra Paris. The inclusion of strings, brass, and woodwinds creates an auditory experience that enriches the gameplay.
Keep your eyes peeled for hidden corners—they might hold fragments of Philemon’s memories or extra notes. Gathering memories can unlock abilities, vital if you’re aiming for a complete experience and that coveted Platinum trophy. Visiting the Violinist’s Lounge after collecting memory fragments will let you learn more about Philemon’s past while gaining enhancements like a double jump or time-slowing effects.
For trophy collectors, Symphonia offers a full set: 8 Bronze, 7 Silver, and 7 Gold trophies await. Tasks range from playing concerts with key characters and collecting musical notes to finishing the game under two hours and other challenges.
Symphonia stands as a captivating 2D adventure where resurrecting music is essential. The intricate world invites exploration as you, Philemon, a talented violinist, strive to awaken quiet machinery and restore energy. With its Cross-Buy feature, purchasing the $19.99 game grants you access to both the PS4 and PS5 versions, widening your musical journey across platforms.
This review of Symphonia was conducted using a PlayStation 5 copy provided by Headup.