“Dreams on a Pillow” offers players a unique and poignant dive into the events surrounding the 1948 Nakba. During this historical episode, around 700,000 individuals were forced from their homes due to Zionist occupation. This game isn’t just an ordinary title; it’s a heartfelt portrayal from Palestinian creator Rasheed Abu-Eideh. Before we explore this new venture further, let’s take a step back and look at his previous significant work.
In 2016, Abu-Eideh introduced the world to “Liyla and the Shadows of War.” This game draws attention to the 2014 Gaza conflict, popularly referred to as Operation Protective Edge. Here, players journey with a young Palestinian girl and her family as they seek safety amidst fierce neighborhood attacks. Despite its brief gameplay, “Liyla” resonates due to its intense emotional storytelling, blending platform elements with a choose-your-own-adventure narrative. As a testament to its impact, in 2021, it was featured in an Indie Bundle Pack, successfully raising nearly $900,000 for Palestinian relief efforts through UNRWA USA.
Currently, if you’re interested, “Liyla and the Shadows of War” is available free of charge on mobile and Windows platforms. However, its 2016 debut wasn’t without challenges. Apple initially refused to classify it as a game on the App Store, instructing Abu-Eideh to label it as “News” or “Reference” due to its political content. This decision drew criticism and was deemed hypocritical, especially since another game, “Israeli Heroes,” was easily available in the gaming category. The public outcry sparked by Abu-Eideh’s social media posts eventually led Apple to reconsider and accept Liyla as a game.
Now, Abu-Eideh is channeling his efforts into “Dreams on a Pillow,” which is currently being funded through a LaunchGood campaign that runs until January 13. The funds secured will be vital for developing assets, outsourcing tasks, and supporting the salaries of his dedicated team of nine. Looking ahead, the game is set to make its debut in the last quarter of 2026, promising to bring another deeply immersive experience to players.