As you journey through the game, you’ll encounter a variety of cultures, each with its own unique set of values and beliefs that breathe life into the world. Take the Aedyrans, for instance. This nation places a high premium on rightful rule, leadership, and order. Now, imagine them stepping onto the great unexplored lands of Eora. How would they adapt to this new environment? Perhaps they’ll alter their attire slightly or adjust their lifestyle choices to mesh with the locals. This “Wild West” of sorts draws in all kinds of people, and sticking too strictly to rigid ways might clash with what’s needed to thrive in the Living Lands.
Consider the example of someone who holds [the goddess] Woedica in high regard. They’ll prioritize her focus on law, order, justice, and rightful leadership above all else. On the other hand, if Abydon, the Smith, is their deity of choice, they likely cherish values like industry, hard work, and dedication without dismissing the other gods. This allows the game to infuse its factions and groups with distinct ideals, making it clear to players what each stands for, as Patel elaborates.
This rich cultural tapestry is evident not just in the game’s narrative but also in its detailed art and design. The architecture and costume designs are intricately linked to one another, showcasing how the world feels alive and lived-in. “As if the world we crafted has always existed,” remarks Lead Environment Artist Dennis Presnell. “Developing the game has been a dynamic process. Our team continuously comes up with fresh assets, clever ideas, and immersive stories, each building on the last. This collective effort culminates in a world that’s diverse yet cohesive, offering an authentic experience.”