Almost a year since its debut, Asgard’s Wrath 2 continues to confront the mischievous legacy of Loki with its final new Cosmic Event. Released last December, developers Sanzaru Games have diligently kept this VR action RPG fresh by rolling out Cosmic Events, which are limited-time challenges that introduce distinct Cosmic Objectives. Whether it’s battling a vampiric outbreak, exploring the multiverse, or defending against Surtur’s army, this last event brings players face to face with Loki once again in “The Trickster’s Legacy.”
In this final showdown, players are tasked with mending these warped realities. You’ll journey through ‘?’ doors within the Uncharted Rifts, navigate treacherous trap rooms, endure five divine trials in a single Uncharted Rift session, and eradicate the Loki Anomalies scattered throughout the overworld. Accomplishing these feats rewards players with the Staff of the Trickster, replicas of the Ma’at Stones, Loki’s iconic horned helmet, and various emotes, badges, and titles.
Although this is the closing chapter of new events, Cosmic Events aren’t disappearing altogether. Sanzaru Games has announced they’ll be replaying each event from the start with “Into the Multiverse,” giving fans another opportunity to snag those elusive rewards.
Moreover, Asgard’s Wrath 2 is unveiling a new outfit that isn’t restricted by time constraints like The Trickster’s Legacy goodies. Exclusive to Meta Quest+ subscribers, this ensemble includes a dinosaur-themed armor straight from the island of Laramidia, complete with a matching stone blade weapon.
For those wanting to dive into the adventure, Asgard’s Wrath 2 is currently available on the Meta Quest platform.