Since its very beginning, The Legend of Zelda has woven mythology into its vast fantasy universe, and over time, this has only become more elaborate and meaningful. The series has built upon its original mystical elements, adding deep narratives involving prophecies and deities, making them an integral part of its storytelling. This has resulted in multiple interpretations and iterations of the same fundamental mythos across different games.
Throughout the Zelda series, celestial archetypes are presented in diverse ways, with each game introducing its own unique pantheon that reflects or resonates with past mythology. While the games have varied in how strictly they adhere to this structure, it’s apparent that some deities have emerged as fan favorites due to their significance in the lore.
In Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, its timeline placement has finally been revealed, but it still leaves fans grappling with some puzzling details.
### S-Tier Deities
Among the most revered are Din, Nayru, and Farore, the original trinity of goddesses who created the world and bestowed the Triforce. Hylia becomes significant in Skyward Sword, sacrificing her divine nature to reincarnate as Zelda. Her counterpart, Demise, embodies evil and reincarnates as Ganondorf, standing in opposition throughout the series. Majora, though enigmatic, is unforgettable thanks to the iconic mask associated with them.
– The Golden Goddesses – Din, Nayru, Farore (A Link to the Past)
– Majora (Majora’s Mask)
– Hylia (Skyward Sword)
– Demise (Skyward Sword)
### A-Tier Deities
These deities may not be omnipotent creators, but they have critical roles in their realms. The Wind Fish dreams the entirety of Link’s Awakening’s world into existence, the Kokiri’s Great Deku Tree is a guiding mentor, and Jabu-Jabu takes a similar role for the Zora. Zephos and Cyclos, gods of wind in The Wind Waker, are essential to Link’s journey, and the dragons in Breath of the Wild are majestic embodiments of the divine. The Fierce Deity, though shrouded in mystery, captures imaginations with its powerful imagery.
– The Wind Fish (Link’s Awakening)
– The Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time)
– Lord Jabu-Jabu (Ocarina of Time)
– The Fierce Deity (Majora’s Mask)
– Zephos (The Wind Waker)
– Cyclos (The Wind Waker)
– Naydra, Farosh, and Dinraal (Breath of the Wild)
### B-Tier Deities
These figures might lack universal recognition, yet they enrich the worlds they inhabit. The Spirits of Light in Twilight Princess bring a fresh nod to the goddess trio, while The Wind Waker’s Valoo and Jabun offer a fresh take on familiar forms. Phantom Hourglass’ deities share some traits with others, and Breath of the Wild’s Malanya and the Horned God add layers to its mystical storytelling. The Four Giants in Majora’s Mask are unforgettable, despite their strange, standalone appearance.
– Valoo (The Wind Waker)
– Jabun (The Wind Waker)
– The Four Giants (Majora’s Mask)
– Spirits of Light (Twilight Princess)
– Ocean King (Phantom Hourglass)
– Golden Chief Cyclos (Phantom Hourglass)
– Levias (Skyward Sword)
– Malanya the Horse God (Breath of the Wild)
– The Horned God (Tears of the Kingdom)
### C-Tier Deities
These beings either have a debated status as deities, limited influence, or exist mostly as legends, resulting in more subtle roles. For instance, it’s speculated whether the Goddess of Time in Majora’s Mask might be Hylia. The dragons in Skyward Sword offer a subdued version of a known concept, and many others are mere myths without tangible forms.
– Goddess of the Sands (Ocarina of Time)
– Goddess of Time (Majora’s Mask)
– Season Spirits (Oracle of Ages and Seasons)
– Fortune Goddess (The Wind Waker)
– Mountain Goddess (Spirit Tracks)
– Spirits of Good (Spirit Tracks)
– Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru the Dragons (Skyward Sword)
– Lord of the Mountain (Breath of the Wild)
– The Seven Heroines (Breath of the Wild)
In this mix of mythology and storytelling, Zelda continues to captivate with its dynamic use of divine elements, each contributing to the series’ rich tapestry and keeping fans engaged with its mystical and heroic adventures.