Ayaneo has introduced the Pocket DMG, a GameBoy-inspired handheld, onto IndieGogo. It’s powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 and wrapped in a sleek design that nods to classic gaming. Early backers can snag this device at a discounted rate, with prices starting at $339 USD for a model packing 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. For those seeking a bit more power, there’s a $499 option offering 16GB RAM and 512GB storage, while a special “Retro Color” edition is up for grabs at $589 during this early bird phase.
What sets this gadget apart is its ability to handle demanding mobile games with grace. Thanks to its Snapdragon chip, it can deliver smooth performance in games like “Genshin Impact,” comfortably running at 60 FPS. It’s even up to the challenge of emulating classic consoles such as GameCube and PlayStation 2, handling higher internal resolutions with ease. However, if you’re looking to play a broader range of games more affordably and you already own a gaming PC, Valve’s Steam Deck still holds its ground as a more versatile choice.
Beyond the initial specs and pricing, Ayaneo’s offering stacks up well, especially given its compact size and appealing price tag. It features hidden trigger buttons, motion controls, and even a right touchpad, ensuring a gaming experience that’s both modern and seamless for streaming straight from your PC. Compact yet reliable, the hall-effect analog stick is designed to resist drift, a common issue with prolonged use.
There might be some skepticism around packing an OLED into this size, but it’s reminiscent of other high-end devices like the Analogue Pocket, which opts for high-resolution displays. The Ayaneo Pocket DMG touts a 3.92-inch OLED display at a resolution of 1,240 x 1,080, boasting an estimated 104% NTSC color gamut with brightness reaching up to 450 nits. Coupled with the inherent low input latency of OLED, it’s perfect for retro gaming, although it won’t unseat powerhouses like the Steam Deck OLED when it comes to AAA games.
In terms of emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG holds its ground as a premium contender despite its retro look. While models with 12GB and 16GB of RAM might seem overkill given that this isn’t exactly a PC, intense mobile games and emulation can demand higher specs. For value seekers, the entry-level model paired with an additional SD card remains a smart strategy to maximize usage.
The device also sports USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ports, delivering speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second, while supporting Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. Though wired options are fairly standard, their adequacy in transferring games and files is complemented by the ideal speeds Wi-Fi 7 offers, making it great for features like Steam Remote Play.
As a final note, remember that backing a crowdfunded project is not the same as purchasing a product outright. It’s an investment in potential, so it’s vital to have faith in the team and their vision for success.