Tomorrow marks the exciting release of Platform 8, the anticipated sequel to the walking simulator The Exit 8. Developed by KOTAKE CREATE and published by PLAYISM, this intriguing follow-up is set to drop on both the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. It’s definitely one to watch out for, so make sure to check it out!
Imagine being stuck on an endless train ride, where your only way out is to pay close attention to strange occurrences around you. That’s the core experience of Platform 8. This game draws its unique atmosphere from the eerie vibes of Japanese subway systems and the dream-like quality of liminal spaces.
Having had the chance to dive into The Exit 8 on Nintendo Switch, I found it uniquely immersive, which only heightens my anticipation for Platform 8. If you enjoyed the original, this sequel promises to take you on a thrilling journey that’s both familiar and refreshingly new. Are you excited to see what it brings? I know I am!